
WOW~! It has been a crazy last 9 months! I am finishing up with my schooling and learning a lot! Hopefully I can be on here more to brush up on my HTML. I have completed a few really cool projects in the last month that I hope to upload here! First, I finally learned to solder which was cool. I gave circuit bending a try and had some success! I was able to do vocals for a few songs, and now I am working at my A+! It feels like so much is going on in my life right now and I will try a bit harder to keep this page updated.


HIII HELLO! its been a bit again, I should be on here more now that I finished my finals for one of my classes. Today I was recruited to build a website for one of my parents clients. I am a bit worried about it but I'm sure I can figure it out. They want something more professional so I am going to use wordpress. I have no knowlege of wordpress lmao! other than that I have been trying to have stronger legs so I do SO MANY squats every day. I will update you guys on my progress eventually. OH! I am also seeing 100 gecs this month with my partner! They are taking me out to a fancy vegan restaraunt before we go. We have gone to this place every year on our anniversary (5 years of putting up with me :p) maybe ill post pictures of the food like its instagram. ANYWAYS! HOPE EVERYONE HAS BEEN WELL STAY SAFE AND WIGGLY !!! -MAGGOTSOUP


I made a guestbook!!! If youre feeling chatty sign it and leave your email/discord! I am always looking for new friends :)


Hi guys! its been a bit since I have updated anything significant to my website. I have been extremely busy with all sorts of projects. I guess I will use this space as a update spot for my art as well. Nonetheless, I have been working on classwork and a new line of hyperrealistic art. I am just about done with one of my largest pieces I have ever attempted and I will be adding a tutorial for the process if anyone is interested. I should probably create a guestbook or a chat function. I dont think I have the coding skills for that so I'll outsource it to a different website. Ok thats all for now! I will update the other parts of my website soon! sorry for the janky-ness but I am attempting to code most of my HTML on my own!

I also made the crawling maggot gif on my own! I need to mess with the transparency because I messed it up! More cool custom gifs will be added soon.

This is my very first post made on 3/26/2023 :)

My name is Beetle/Maggot and I am not very good at HTML but I want to be. I am currently studying Cyber Security and I like making grotesque horror art. This website will be for all my fun things I make and do! I am attempting to leave social media for a more customizable platform to better express myself!! Welcome and E-mail me if youre feeling up to it!

An image of maggot wearing a gas mask, about to step on the camera with large black platform boots!

Last Updated: 5/1/2023 :)